Terms and Conditions
By using BAN Human Trafficking! Application, user accepts and is obliged to obey the following terms and conditions:
BAN Human Trafficking! application (hereinafter: Application), which includes website, CMS application, mobile application for Android and IOS, as well as their entire contents – texts, pictures, audio and video materials (hereinafter: contents) are owned by the organizations implementing Balkans ACT Now! project: ASTRA – Anti Trafficking Action (SRB), Partnership for Social Development - PSD (CRO), IFS – EMMAUS (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Open Gate La Strada (FYR Macedonia), Center for Legal Civic Initiatives (ALB)trafikimin, Accompagnement, Lieux d’Accueil, Carrefour educatif et social (FR), Committe Contre L’Esclavage Moderne (FR), Netherlands Helsinki Committee (NL), Women's Rights Center (MNE) and La Strada International (NL) (hereinafter: Balkans ACT Now! Project Team), and all the rights are being reserved, except when stated otherwise. The owner of this application retains the right to change these Terms and Conditions, at any time and without previous notice, all changes coming into effect on the day of their announcement. Information on changes in terms and conditions shall be published on the Terms and Conditions page, and it is a duty of the user of the Application to acquaint him/herself with the changes therein.
Privacy of every application user shall be protected. Only the necessary, general data about the user are being collected, except for additional information the collection of which has to be approved by the user. All the data concerning users/clients are kept strictly confidential and are accessible only to the employees of the organizations implementing the Balkans ACT Now! project, in case these data are vital for the performance of their jobs. All the employees in these organizations are obliged to obey the principle of privacy protection.
This Application is intended for personal use only and has the aim to educate people and prevent human trafficking, and not to be used commercially. Thereby, for this contents to be downloaded, copied, presented, reproduced, published, licensed, adapted, reshaped and made public on other websites/within other applications is prohibited, as well as for any part of the contents to be "duplicated” at any other place, these being infringements under the Copyright Law of the Republic of Serbia.
The contents of the Application are protected under the Copyright Law of the Republic of Serbia, while the copyrights apply to the entire contents of the Application. Accordingly, contents and the parts thereof may be used only in the way and under the conditions stipulated by these Terms and Conditions.
User is obliged not to use the Application to whatever end or purpose which is prohibited by the law or other valid legislation of the Republic of Serbia, or by international law, or to support illegal ends and purposes; not to commit acts of crime or commercial offences pertaining to Application, or to violate anyone’s personal rights, good business practices and rules on the protection of consumer rights.
By accepting Terms and Conditions, user is obliged not to use Application for false representation, including address and other factual data pertaining to the user, Application owner, and third parties. User is obliged not to mislead third parties by using Application, contents and the related activities.
User is obliged not to use Application to distribute SPAM messages (e-mail, SMS, e-conferencing, News, Blog, etc.) for the purpose of personal promotion, promotion of a product or service, or some other type of propaganda activities.
User is obliged not to use Application for the spreading of any kind of harmful internet programs, messages and data (viruses, Trojans, spyware, malware, hoaxes, pyramidal schemes, and the like) or other software that may be harmful to third parties, computers or the contents of the third parties’ computers.
Owner of Application may under no circumstances be held liable by any user for:
By accepting Terms and Conditions, user obliges him/herself not to, in any way, use the Application to gain access to or control of the resources and contents of third parties, including the resources and contents owned by other users of the Application. This rule also applies to any attempt of user to gain access to data contained on the servers and network of the organizations implementing the Balkans ACT Now! project, which are not directly intended for Application users.